Our Process


Collect Ideas

After conferencing with our valuable clients we collect their dream ideas and then organise them effectively for further illumination.


Wireframing & Prototyping

Now it’s time for the incubation. The illuminated ideas are now set down into a frame that is ready to be executed. We present this prototype to the clients for further approval.



The verified application is now transferred from our development server to the live server where the whole world views it .Thereby paving the way for the client’s dream comes true.


UX & UI Design

The approved prototype is now graphically designed by our creative designers. Here the client views his dream ideas in designed apparel for the first time. We receive the valuable feedback and presume further.


Quality Analysis & Testing

All sorts of verifications both technical and design level are done and checked to ensure better quality and customer satisfaction. Once approved by the testing team the application is ready to launch.



The designed ideas are now implemented technically. Our expert professionals maintain all quality and security checklist to give wings to the dreams of our clients.